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印尼雅加达巴达维亚码头Batavia Sunda Kelapa Marina

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-11-07  浏览次数:2464
核心提示:Batavia Marina provides various services to ensure your smooth entry and visit. You can appoint us to assist you with th

Batavia Marina provides various services to ensure your smooth entry and visit. You can appoint us to assist you with the procedures of CIQP ( Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Port-clearance ) to appoint us as your Sailing Permit Agency; to process your CAIT ( Clearance Approval for Indonesian Territory ) documents and to provide you with sailing, tide table and other general informations. Emergency boat towing service is also available upon request.


Should you need to have a major boat repair or service, we also have our sister company, the Caputra Shipyard, located at about 60 miles westward from our Marina’s location.

展馆地址:Sunda Kelapa Harbour Area, Jl Baruna Raya No 9, Jakarta 14430
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